The Civilization VI download size is 3.36GB, making it one of heavier games on iOS.

We've spent some quality time with the final build of Civilization VI for the iPhone and here's what you need to know about Civlization VI before downloading it from the App Store. From managing the well-being of your citizens to fending off attacks from neighbouring regions, Civilization has been exclusive to the PC for the longest time. It's the latest in a long-running series of turn-based strategy games that has you managing a civilization through the ages. Software description provided by the publisher.Not content with being on PC, iPad, and soon, the Nintendo Switch, Civilization VI is now available on the iPhone. *The Red Death playable scenario released on PC isn’t available on consoles.

Cities expand physically across the map, create new strategic possibilities through the game as you pursue multiple ways to achieve victory and build an empire to stand the test of time. Explore new land, research technology, and go head-to-head with historical leaders as you lead your civilization from rocks to rockets. Choose a leader and pursue agendas inspired by their real-life counterparts. MAKE HISTORY in one of the most critically acclaimed and influential game franchises in strategy game history. Civilization VI is required to access add-on content.

This is the complete collection* of all available add-on content and is intended for people who already have Civilization VI, but do not yet own any of the add-on content.